Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day Three

Today has been a hard day. It's only day three of the diet. Although I have not cheated...I have been tempted. Damn you skittles and Hershey kisses...damn you chocolate chip cookies!!!

Last night Hubs and I were watching Everybody Loves Raymond on TV and Ray was eating a bowl of Captain Crunch. Immediately hubs and I looked at each other, salivated and said mmmm that looks soooo good! The funny part is - neither of us even like Captain Crunch cereal!

Totally unrelated to the diet - I was asked to work on a special project at work, to pretty much take something over and come up with ways to improve or add to it. I was so happy to be asked to do this because I am really really pushing for a promotion right now. My goal was to have the promotion by March. I don't know if that's going to happen with the economy right now but that's not stopping me. Anyway, I handed in a my presentation of my ideas this morning. I am so anxious to get some feedback! All morning until lunch the managers were in a meeting so I didn't hear anything. Its now 3:30 and still no word...its driving me nuts! Gimme something people!!!

Ahh, okay. I'm going to settle down and think about the yummy salad that's at home waiting for me.


Janine / Being Brazen said...

I hate diets they always make me soooo hungry...and I start craving things i wouldnt even crave usually

Heather Nicole said...

Hi Brazen! Today I craved PB&J - I don’t LIKE PB&J! lol...but I must persevere!
Thanks for stopping by :)